Wednesday 29 July 2015

Whose (You Know) Is She (You Know)?

WHOSE "You Know" IS SHE "You Know"?
by: Matthew Terry

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Have you ever been watching a television show that you, probably, have never seen before and in the act of watching the show you see an actress that catches your eye. Then half way through the show you cannot help yourself. You must sit up, point at the screen and say "Whose (You Know) is she (You Know)?"

To try and spend time with a young lady that I wanted to spend time with, I started to watch a soap opera called Passions. She wanted to watch Passions, so I wanted to watch Passions. Some guys will get what I'm talking about. To those saying "You watched a soap opera to get next to a woman?" I say, first off, yes. Second, Passions had a witch, a little boy that turned into a doll, a mind reading girl and a blind priest that could sense evil, so if there was a soap opera to be watched, this was it. One of the girls was Charity, played by Molly Stanton. If I remember correctly, she was the mind reading girl that was in love with Miguel but didn't think it was fair not to tell him about her secret power and therefore refused to allow herself to be with him. Remember, I did say it was a soap opera. Now Charity was a focal point of Passions, which is all fine if myself and even the young lady I was trying to court were not looking at the screen and saying "Whose (You Know) is she (You Know) to be on this show?" Yes it was a soap opera, but even by what I consider soap opera standards her acting was way over the top and stuck out so far from all others on the show that you could not help but wonder whose (you know) was she (you know).

Fast forward several years and I see a commercial pass across my TV screen. This commercial was for a show called Do Not Disturb. And within this commercial I saw the (you know) girl. I had no idea what her name was at the time. In fact, I didn't know her name until the idea for this blog came to mind and I found it online. So, the (you know) girl is on Do Not Disturb. I have no real interest in watching the program. No aspect of the commercial made me want to watch it. I was not simply turned off by the fact that (you know) girl was on it. That being said, one night while looking through the guide I came across Do Not Disturb. With lack of better options I decided to try it out. I remember thinking when I started the show "Maybe I'll like the show. And as far as (you know) girl, maybe soap operas were not her strength. Maybe she would excel more in a sitcom/comedy type of environment." I also remember finishing the show and thinking "Good for her, she's still (you know) someone's (you know)."

Fast forward several more years and I am watching one of my absolute favourite series, Law & Order : SVU. And who should appear on my screen, but Molly "You Know" Stanton. I will now take this opportunity to appologize to any Moly Stanton fans who disagree with my assesment that Ms. Stanton cannot act. I will also appologize to Molly Stanton because I may have been harsh with my words insinuating that she (you know) anyone's (you know) to garner the roles that she has achieved. Her perfromance on SVU was bang on. She did not seem out of place, she did not overact and she played her part perfectly. She played someone that was under arrest. For doing what you might ask? You know.

Shin Kicker says take the Q-Tip out of your ear.

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