Wednesday 22 July 2015

Pleased To Meet You Mr. Maron

by: Matthew Terry


People may have noticed that I've been a little different as of late. My writing has been different. My thought process has been different. In fact, I'm writing alongside that thought process. I found something that smartened me to the fact that, "I can do that? I can write the same way I think? I can dispense my thoughts rapidly? The exact same way they fly through my head." I have Marc Maron to thank for that.

I actually found Marc Maron a little while ago. I saw him on television doing stand-up at the Montreal Just For Laughs Festival. He was sitting on a stool and just talking. Not really making jokes, just talking. And I loved it. However, when watching Just For Laughs without a PVR, you need to take note of their names as they come on stage, it flashes on the screen for about five seconds, because otherwise, there is no going back. I wanted to know this guy's name, but there was no going back.

Then, Barack Obama dropped the N-Bomb on a podcast. I hate the N-Bomb. I hate people saying around me, even if I don't hate that person. Really, I didn;t care if Barack Obama used the word, but it was news, so I wanted to hear it in context. So I found it, like most things in the GOOGLE age, really easily. The photo that came on had Obama and that guy from the stool. I now knew he was Marc Maron. I listened to the Obama podcast. Loved it. Listened to a selection of the other podcasts. Loved them too. Bought "Attempting Normal". Read it, read it to my wife and am reading it again. Then, while looking for other podcast treasures, I found WTF Pocast With Marc Maron : Kevin Smith. This is where things got nasty. I should have known.

You see, I used to be a Kevin Smith Guy. I was a Kevin Smith Guy when I found Marc Maron. To put it into perspective, in hindsight, Maron was a woman I met and really fell for, but I was married to Kevin Smith. I kept thinking about Maron, but I was loyal to Kevin Smith. Then, I ran into Maron again, still had those head over heels feelings, but I was still married to Kevin Smith. Now, oh God, Marc Maron and Kevin Smith were going to be in the same place at the same time. This is intriguing, yes, because I haven't done anything with Maron, but at the same time, you know this can't be good. And it wasn't.

For the first three quarters of the podcast, everything was wonderful, my man Kevin and my mental mistress Marc are on point. They're funny, they're witty, they're telling stories. Then, we get to the whole "Too Fat To Fly" thing. Being a Kevin Smith guy, I had heard about it, of course. I compare it to that one thing that you hate bringing up with your wife because you hate how angry it makes her. Unfortunately, everyone wants to talk about it. So, Kevin goes off on his usual tirade and tells the "I am TWITTER. I'll show you." story. Which is a little pompous, but I don't blame the guy for using the resources at his disposal. Then, it got bad. For me anyway. You see, I always found Kevin Smith more "I was someone no one liked and I made good regardless." While at the same time remembering and respecting what not being liked meant. Still very relatable. However, during the podcast, Smith went over the top. For me anyway. He started into "I am Kevin Smith, who the f*** are you?" Lines like "If you don't have 300 followers (you mean nothing to me.)" "So what, I'm fat. I can f*** your wife. And if I can't f*** her, I can buy her." I have my theories about Kevin Smith and his anger, but that is a whole other blog. Plus, what do I really know about Kevin Smith? I've never interacted with the guy. Which is odd because I have reached out several times, especially on TWITTER and the TWITTER Whore (I mean that in a good way) has never acknowledged me. I still like Kevin Smith's work. I truly do, I just don't really like Kevin Smith. Which, to me, sounds like a great deal for Kevin Smith. "So, this guy likes my work, keeps giving me his money and I don't need to meet him on a personal level? Awesome."


So, I have entered into a trial separation with Kevin Smith. I'm pretty sure he's fine with it. I'm probably more heartbroken then he is. But Marc seems nice. He treats me better. He relates to me better. He talks a lot nicer to me.  Do I blame him for exposing this side of Kevin Smith to me and ultimately causing my estrangement?  No, I think it would have happened anyway.

   I think we might be happy together as long as things progress nicely. I'm sure he's okay with me still checking in with Kevin every once and a while, just to see how he's doing. I think everything is going to be just fine.

Shin Kicker says take the Q-Tip out of your ear.

Meet Marc Maron ...

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