Thursday 23 July 2015

That "Whole Other Blog"

by: Matthew Terry


When I blog about someone, I'm always worried I'm going to offend that person. Even if I'm writing good things. Words and their meanings are subjective. "You have a beautiful wife." "You want to screw my wife?!" It's all in how you interprut the words that are said or written. I told a very good friend, talking like guys do, that he had a very hot girlfriend. His response was "Ummm ... we're not swinging if that's what you're getting at." Which, I wasn't. Although in hindsight ... Point being, Kevin Smith, the subject of this "whole other blog", won't care in the least, no matter what I say because Kevin Smith feels that if you have less than three hundred followers, your opinion means nothing. So, I fall way under the wire on that one. Whew. Pressure gone.
First, the term "whole other blog" comes from yesterday's blog where I profess my new found admiration for Marc Maron -( Within that blog I state that I have theories about Kevin Smith's anger but that is a "whole other blog". Please note, these are theories. Not facts, not educated guesses and not any kind of opinion based on personal or professional interation with Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith and I have never met. I have reached out to him, he has not responded. I have professed my love of his work to him. Nothing in return. I have written e-mails, tweets and facebook messages to Kevin Smith and have seen not one single response. Kevin Smith ... wait, starting to sound a little bitter. Save that for later.

What is my theory to Kevin Smith's anger? It's the weed. It is my humble observation that when Kevin Smith "chain-tokes" or is able to smoke freely in his environment, he either gets very giggly, or gets very angry. Emphasis on the verys. Check out Smith's Smodcast with Chris Jericho ( and you will hear giggly. Check out Marc Maron's WTF Podcast that I referenced yesterday ( and you will hear anger. There are other examples throughout, especially the SMODCAST library ( In just about every single episode of that particualr podcast, I find Smith either annoyingly giggly or annoyingly angry. However, when I check out Smith's other podcast ventures, like Jay & Silent Bob Get Old ( or Hollywood Babble-On (, I find Smith very entertaining, charismatic and funny. The difference between the former and the latter is that Smith can continueously toke away while doing SMODCAST or being a guest on WTF, but on Get Old and Babble-On, Smith admittingly "gets baked" immediately prior to the show and then reports to the stage. Where, of course, he cannot indulge out in public.

Now seems like a good time to once again state, these are opinions. These are theories. These are thoughts in my mind. I concern myself with entertaining you who read this blog. I don't concern myself with Kevin Smith because Kevin Smith is admittedly not concerned with me. However, I would like to say to each and every person reading this that you are appreciated deeply. The fact that sometimes as many as forty people read this amazes me. Even the offerings that garner ten or less views make me smile because someone is reading it. Someone is entertained by what I offer.  I don't care how far below three hundred I fall, you all mean something to me.  (There's the bitterness.)

Shin Kicker says take the Q-Tip out of your ear.

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