Tuesday 28 July 2015

That "Whole Other Blog" 2

That "Whole Other Blog" 2

by: Matthew Terry
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/tplxwrestling?fref=nf
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/UrSpitngImg

E-Mail : yourspittingimage@gmail.com

This entry derives from UNEMPLOYED PIECE OF GARBAGE - http://yourspittingimage.blogspot.ca/2015/07/unemployed-piece-of-garbage.html

My friend, the one who is unemployed actually, called me one da
y and told me that I needed to get BBM. I have no clue about new technologies or software or services of any kind. My mindset is still back in a day when having two phones, in one house, was a luxury. Now, I almost feel embarassed to carry around a mini computer that can also make phone calls no matter where the heck my fat butt is standing. But I digress.

He tells me that I need to get BBM. I ask him what that is, and as I'm sure 100% of you already knew, it is a messaging system that at one point was apparently exclusive to Blackberrys. He tells me that I can now download BBM onto my I-Phone and him and I can message back and forth. My response to this was that my name is attached to a home phone, a cell phone, a business phone, an e-mail address, a FACEBOOK account, a TWITTER feed, something called SNAPCHAT, Instagram and Pinterest. That is nine different forms of communication. Most of which is, thanks to my phone, at my fingertips at all times. If he is having difficulty getting a hold of me at any time, he just is not trying hard enough. However, he explains to me that for instant contact BBM is best for him because it doesn't count against his long distance, his cell phone minutes or his text limits. So, I download the damn BBM.

Now, I told you all of that so I could tell you this. I hate answering machines. As lyrical as I can be, I always feel like I freeze up or stumble when it comes to the answering machine. Not to mention that I am the streotypical "Is that what I actually sound like?" when I hear any type of recording of my voice. So, it's a self conscience thing. But it's also a "I don't need to leave a message thing too. There are so many forms of communication today that if I really need to contact someone, I can figure out some way to contact everyone. Yesterday I wrote about how I left a "funny" message on my friend's answering machine, only to have him call back and say that he had not listened to the message, he simply saw my name pop up on his call display. Why the heck should I need to leave an answering machine message when when 99.9% of phone owners have a call display function? Now, my friend needs to take the time to call his voicemail box, listen to my message, which he already knows what it says, then delete it. That may not sound like much, but that's time consuming. (Not really, but I'm trying to vent here.)

There are days when I want to take my cell phone, laptop and tablet and just lock them away in a closet. Just give them up all together. But owning my own business and needing a line of communication for outside bookings, in this day and age, requires that I have these things to try and keep up with the competition. I guess in my perfect world, a glitch that no one saw coming. That not one single technical marvel could foresee. That two that shows up inside of those zeros and ones would come along. For whatever reason every cell phone loses signal, every Wi-Fi is gone offline and every web site is completely useless and all the brilliance in the world scratches their head's and says "I just don't know."

Even for a day or two. I think it would be good for everyone.

Shin Kicker says take the Q-Tip out of your ear.

Dedicated to Mom who always complained I never left messages on her answering machine. Miss you.

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