Thursday 29 December 2016

This Is The World We Live In

by: Matthew Terry

 A young woman is driving home around two o'clock in the morning when she hits a median and damages her front driver's side tire.  She tries calling her father, who does not answer.  She tries calling a friend, who also does not answer.

 A car pulls up behind her and two men get out.  They walk up to the car and knock on the window.  The girl, scared, tells them that she's fine and does not need any help.  One of the men, sensing her fear, says "I understand being scared.  If you can just pop the trunk, we can change the tire without you ever getting out."  This makes sense to the girl, so she pops the trunk.

 The two men take about ten minutes to change the tire.  They take the old tire and place it back in the trunk.  They close it, give it a couple taps and tell her to have a good night.  They then walk back to their car, get in and drive away.

 The next day the girl's father calls her and asks why she had called the night before.  She explained what happened and the father immediately felt terrible for not answering the phone.  The girl says she feels bad as well.  These two guys were nice enough to stop and change her tire in the middle of the night and she immediately treated them like they were out to harm her.  Her father assures her that by the man coming up with the "pop the trunk idea", he surely understood and would not have been insulted.

 No sooner did she put the phone down, when there was a knock on the door.  She answered it and a woman was standing there smiling.  She stated her name and said that her husband had changed her tire the night before.  The girl was immediately confused and again scared.  The woman explained that she had texted her husband while he was changing the tire.  He must have put his phone down in the trunk and neglected to pick it back up.  They had used a "Find My Phone" Ap to locate her and the phone.  The husband insisted that his wife retrieve it.  Feeling that was much less threatening than him suddenly arriving on her front step.

 They walked outside and opened the girl's trunk.  Sure enough the cell phone was laying inside.  The girl is still missing to this day.

 This is the world we live in.

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