Friday 1 May 2015

That One Person In Australia

     The past couple days I have taken in some concern that I am not in a "good place".  Apparently, my last couple BLOGS have not been very happy ones.  Frankly, I thought the one with Alan Carter ( @ACarterglobal ) was pretty funny, but others saw it as being down on myself and the things I've done.  Then yesterday, I wrote about how I get down when everyone doesn't like me.  So, it would seem I need to prove to my friends, family, someone in the United Kingdom and one person in Australia, that I'm doing just fine.

     So, allow me to address that one person in Australia.  Well, at least who I think that one person is.  I tend to believe that the one person is Aaron Berry.  Who is Aaron Berry you may ask?  Aaron Berry went to St. Leonard's Catholic School with me.  I think it was for only one year, maybe two.  But for someone who had such a small sample period, I seem to remember a lot about Aaron.

     Aaron came from Australia to Canada.  I don't remember if it was a student exchange, or maybe his parents were transferred here for business.  I was somewhere in the range of eight to, maybe, eleven years old, so the circumstances were not priority to me.  Regardless, I do remember him coming from Australia.  I remember him explaining to the class how long it took for his family to go from there to here.  However, I do not remember how long it took them, but I do remember a chorus of "Woa's" that the time brought from everyone.

     I remember Aaron being able to spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.  The word from Mary Poppins.  I know I couldn't spell the damn thing at the time.  Heck, I couldn't spell it now.  I had to find it on Google, then copy and paste it into here.  That in itself makes it impressive when twenty-five years later, I can't do what he did.  Think of how impressed the class was when he wrote it on the blackboard and the teacher told him that he was right.  I remember someone saying that no one could write a bigger word.  To which I retorted that anyone could if they wrote the same word with only bigger lettering.  I still think that's funny.  But, no one did then.

     I remember Aaron was close friends with Chris Hilliard.  I don't really have anything funny or insightful to write about their friendship, but I may never get the chance to tell this story again, so here goes.  I had a huge crush on Rochelle O'Hearn (sp?).  Chris Hilliard had a crush on Rochelle O'Hearn (sp?).  Chris Hilliard was 100% more popular, 100% more athlete and 100% more likely to impress Rochelle then I was.  However, on a school skiing trip we had to take a skiing class before they would allow us on the bigger hills.  If you failed, you were relegated to the bunny hill.  Chris passed with flying colors.  I failed in a blaze of glory.  Guess who else failed.  Rochelle O'Hearn (sp?).  So Matthew got to ski with Rochelle on the bunny hill all day long.  Nothing ever came of Rochelle and I and I don't believe anything came of Chris and her either.  But for one day, fluke as it may have been, I got one instance over the popular kid.

     Oh yea, Aaron.  I may or may not remember correctly, but I think his girlfriend for a time was Kelly O'Brien.  Or maybe Kelly O'Brien had a crush on him.  Then again, maybe someone else had a crush on him and twenty-five years of filing away memories inexplicably put Kelly O'Brien in that role.  No matter.  I do remember that the general consensus was that Aaron Berry was "cute".  I didn't think he was that cute myself.  But that's born out of not being able to judge the attractiveness of a fellow boy at such a young age.  I hope it was not a case that I was void of the masculine security I enjoy now.  In fact, thanks to FACEBOOK, I can report that Aaron Berry is indeed a very attractive man today.  Very well conditioned with a very handsome look to him.  So, if that translates to him being an attractive elementary student, then so be it.

     Then, before I knew it, Aaron was gone.  Him and his family returned to Australia.  The circumstances of which I do not remember, but again, were probably not priority at the time.  I think a lot about my past.  About the people I went to school with and grew up alongside.  The smallest things set my memory in motion.  Today, it was a small shading on a map that indicated that one single person from Australia reads my BLOG.  With no other explanation, I would assume it is Aaron.  If it is, then I appreciate my old friend taking the time to check it out.  If it happens to not be him.  Apparently, I'm starting to get over in the Land Down Under.  It puzzles me who that one person in the UK is, though.

    The Shin Kicker says take the Q-Tip ofof your ear.

- Matthew Terry

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