Wednesday 29 April 2015

Sometimes, It Just Does Not Work Out

     I keep telling myself that everyone does not need to like me.  I don't need to be friends, or even on good terms with every single individual in my life.  I've always had that problem.  I don't enjoy being disliked.  I assume no one enjoys it, but I really let it get to me if someone doesn't at least think that I'm a good person.  But it is hard sometimes.  It's been hard lately.

     One time, my wife, a few friends and I went to Varadero, Cuba.  We decided to take one of those Catamaran excursions.  While out on the boat, my friend and I met a family from Quebec.  The more and more we talked with this family, the more and more it seemed apparent that they much preferred the company of my friend.  Their conversations flowed, where our seemed labored.  They shared laughs where we shared awkward stares.  They related to each other while we seemed to remain strangers.  Several days later, I ran into that family at a flea market downtown.  We smiled, we said hello, they asked where my friend was, I told them he wasn't with me and things basically ended there.  I would like to believe that I didn't say or do anything to put these people off.  Sometimes, it just doesn't work out the way you thought it would.

     Pretty recently, a co-worker of mine, became engaged to be married.  I say "co-worker" because I feel odd saying that we are friends.  I thought we were friends.  Maybe we are friends.  Just not good friends, maybe.  I thought we were good friends.  Good enough to be invited to his wedding.  Which I was not.  He's been having some ordeals with people RSVP'ing to the wedding the past several weeks. Taking into account that I don't have an RSVP card to RSVP with, must mean that he is not expecting any type of response if I will be attending or not.  I am 100% sure that it is not a matter of not wanting me at his wedding.  Him and I are friendly and are on great terms.  Sometimes, it just doesn't work out the way you thought it would.

     There are times where you just expect things to be happy and good, but they just are not.  When someone marries into your family, I think there is an expectation for you to be friends.  It almost seems foreign when you and that other person just don't mesh.  I realize that sometimes I come across as abrasive.  It is a trait that many people can take the wrong way, especially in a social media setting where tone is absent.  However, when you and a person have known one and other for more than twenty years, those misunderstandings simply become examples of being incompatible.  The two of you are just not meant to be friends.  I am who I am and they are who they are and eventually you realize that the two of you just don't mix.  And that is more than okay.  Especially when you only see or speak to that person once in a calendar year.  It's not a matter of disliking or wishing bad things on that person.  Sometimes, it just doesn't work out the way you thought it would.

     The Shin Kicker says take the Q-Tip out of your ear.

- Matthew Terry

Not Trying To Make Fun Of The Man, But ...

     Have you seen Alan Carter ( @ACarterglobal )?  Alan Carter is a political analyst.  At least I think he is.  That is not a knock on his ability to do his job, I'm just not sure what his job title is exactly.  Alan Carter seems quite intelligent, very well read, very well educated and is also very engaging and entertaining.  I can honestly not devise a negative thing to say about the man.  All that being said, and in no way trying to make fun of Alan Carter, what's the deal with his equilibrium?  Why is it that every time I see this man on my television/monitor, it looks like he's about to fall off his chair?

     Is it an inner ear thing?  Some type of vertigo?  I would never make fun of someone's medical difficulty, I assure you.  Several years ago I had something called  Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) .  Basically, I took a blow to the head and a piece of bone or other material broke away and caused my inner ears to not be equal.  Every time I would tilt my head upwards, especially when I laid down for sleep, I would see the room spinning and would need to squint my eyes really tight until the "roller coaster" came to a complete stop.  Which is how I ride regular roller coasters actually.   Thankfully, over time, my body naturally dissolved the intruding object and I no longer need to squint my eyes.

     I have a family member who has suffered from alcohol abuse.  I would never make light of someone who needs a good belt first thing in the morning to level off and get started.  Although, if this is the case, I strongly disagree with Alan Carter displaying himself on our TV screens in an altered state.  Years ago, when I was finishing up high school, friends and I would sometimes go across the street to the fair grounds and drink a couple beers during lunch.  On one of these occasions, my lunch hour was followed by what was referred to as "SPARE PERIOD".  Which now gave me an extra hour to consume a couple more beers before returning to class.  As I'm sure you can imagine, I returned to class in no condition to be educated.  My teacher, who was not an idiot, saw that I was altered, but did allow me to wait it out as long as I was not a disruption.  She later told me that there were several times she thought I was going to topple completely out of my desk.

     Alan Carter's head seems to be pretty proportionate to the rest of him.  Although, most of the time I see him from the waist up and maybe he doesn't have exceptional core muscles.  I know for a fact that I have a very large pumpkin (Ode To Paul).  My beautiful and caring wife said just this morning, when I playfully used her stomach as a pillow, that my head felt like a giant bowling ball.  Put that into perspective.  Not just a bowling ball, but a GIANT bowling ball.  Think of how heavy a bowling ball is and super-size it.  It's a wonder that I don't have more back and neck problems then I already have.  Although, I am thinking that thirty-seven years has gotten me used to dealing with it.  Hence why I myself don't just fall over uncontrollably.

     I'm not trying to make fun of Alan Carter.  If you take a quick look back, I really am not making fun of him.  My confession is that I have only seen Alan Carter three times, and although he genuinely does seem to be a little off balance, I attribute it to him being a very animated orator and not having any medical, medicinal or proportionate issues.  In fact, I make quite the fool of myself.  Which is completely well and good.  The old saying is that if you cannot laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?  Well, Alan Carter actually.  He really is that entertaining.

     Shin Kicker says take the Q-Tip out of your ear.

-Matthew Terry