Thursday 20 April 2017

Canadian, Single and Pissed Off

by : Matthew Terry

Current Canadian & Single bachelorette, Laura Manger, is hot with the YSI Network as well as the show's producers and may have gotten herself in hot water in the process. Manger's issues derive from the show not telling her information concerning fan favourite and odds on winner, Michael Osgoode. 

 This past week's episode featured Manger on a date with business owner Chris Byrt.  While her and Byrt were leaving a restaurant, Manger noticed Osgoode leaving an adult establishment with dancers, adult movies and other attractions.  Manger did not have the opportunity to confront Osgoode in the moment and ultimately asked the show to dismiss Osgoode without speaking to him herself.  Manger is shown telling host Beau Walker to let him go but not tell him that she caught him coming out of the establishment.  Walker obliged, leaving a very confused, and crushed, Osgoode leaving the house.

However, those who viewed the show, including Manger, saw Osgoode was there at the request of fellow bachelor Chad Oshawa, who infamously stated "If she doesn't want me tonight, I'll find some women that do."  Oshawa left the bachelor house in search of adult entertainment which he admits is a favourite pastime of his.  When his money ran out, Oshawa called the house begging for someone to bring him more funds that he had stashed in his dresser drawer.  Osgoode reluctantly brought the money to him but didn't even want to enter the building when he got there, asking the doorman to deliver the money to Oshawa.  When the doorman refused, Osgoode quickly ran in, delivered the cash and quickly made an exit.

 Before the episode finished, Manger took to TWITTER with "I swear no one told me that the strip club was not Michael's idea."   Followed almost immediately by "I truly think I'm going to be sick."  Fans began tweeting the bachelorette with messages like "Take him back." and "It's not too late."  After a few hours Manger tweeted "Just took my head out of my ass.  Wish time travel existed.  Not that easy to fix everyone."  Manger's tweets took a more and more angry tone over the next couple days with examples like "The show had LOTS of chance to tell me.  They destroyed us for good TV." and "No one is answering the [expletive] phone # they said "Call anytime." followed by "Reader's Digest version of the e-mail response I got ... "See you at the finale."

 Bad mouthing the network, the show and the people involved is only the tip of the trouble Manger may be in.  It has long been known that bachelorettes on the show must sign a very strict confidentiality agreement.  Which may come back and bite Manger after she tweeted "No disrespect to the kicker, but this really would have changed things."  This statement seemingly suggests that she ultimately chooses former pro football kicker, Kirk Long, in the end.

 Osgoode, Long and everyone involved with Canadian & Single have been Twitter
silent since the episode aired.  While Manger has been silent for three days prior to this writing.

  We will update this story as things occur.

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